Bruker manual SAMSUNG LN40E550F7F

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG LN40E550F7F

Du kan også laste ned følgende bruksanvisninger som omhandler dette produktet

   SAMSUNG LN40E550F7F (10343 ko)
   SAMSUNG LN40E550F7F QUICK GUIDE (2918 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SAMSUNG LN40E550F7F

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] €¢ Always try to display any image on full screen, use TV set picture format menu for best possible match. Do not leave your TV in standby mode for long periods of time (when you are away on a holiday, for example). [. . . ] P POWER Add, delete or set Favorite channels and use the program guide for digital broadcasts. – â–  Timer Viewing: You can set a desired channel to be displayed automatically at the set time; even when you are watching another channel. Set the current time first to use this function. Scroll up or down to adjust the settings in the box, or use the numeric buttons on your remote for entering the date and time. – â–  Movie: Provides the best sound for movies. OO MENUm → Setup → Time → ENTERE Time ✎✎The current time will appear every time you press the INFO button. €“– Auto: Set the current time automatically using the time from the digital channel. œŽâœŽ The antenna must be connected in order to set the time automatically. C: Programming intended for children under age 8. / C8+: Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8 years and over to watch on their own. / 14+: Programming contains themes or content which may not be suitable for viewers under the age of 14. G: General / 8 ans+: Programming generally considered acceptable for children 8 years and over to watch on their own. [. . . ] For example, if you use the Component jacks, labeled Pb, Pr, and Y, to connect your TV and video source, make sure you have connected the blue Pb jack on the video source to the blue Pb jack on the TV, the red Pr jack on the source to the red Pr jack on the TV. Go to MENU - Channel - Auto Program then select Auto and make sure the correct Cable TV signal type is set in the menu. [. . . ]


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