Bruker manual SAMSUNG FE710DRS

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Mode d'emploi SAMSUNG FE710DRS

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   SAMSUNG FE710DRS (8728 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning SAMSUNG FE710DRS

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Detailed instructions for each feature and function follow later in this user manual. 12 10 11 8 9 13 7 6 2 3 OPERATING THE OVEN 15 16 14 17 4 18 5 1 Common functions 1. COOKING TIME : Press and then use the number pads to set the amount of time you want your food to cook. DELAY START : Press to set the oven to start and stop automatically at a time you set. [. . . ] DO NOT leave the door open for long periods of time while using convection cooking or you may shorten the life of the convection heating element. Indd 41 05/11/2012 20:31:25 TIMED COOKING In timed cooking, the oven turns on immediately and cooks for the length of time you select. How to set the oven for timed cooking (single mode) 1. You can set the cooking time for any amount from 1 minute to 9 hours and 99 minutes. The oven will continue to cook until the set amount of time has elapsed, then turn off automatically unless the warm feature was set. Indd 42 05/11/2012 20:31:25 How to set the oven for timed cooking (twin mode) Insert the partition into the cavity. You can set the cooking time for any amount from 1 minute to 9 hours and 99 minutes. €¢ You can set the oven for a delay timed cooking before setting other cooking operations. • The clock must be set to the current time. How to set the oven for delay timed cooking (single mode) 1. You can set the cooking time for any amount of time from 1 minute to 9 hours and 99 minutes. Indd 44 05/11/2012 20:31:27 How to set the oven for delay timed cooking (twin mode) Insert the partition into the cavity. You can set the cooking time for any amount of time from 1 minute to 9 hours and 99 minutes. If the fire continues, throw baking soda on the fire or use a foam-type fire extinguisher. How to set the oven for broiling (single mode) 1. Press the BROIL pad once for HI or twice for LO. How to set the oven for broiling (twin mode) Insert the partition into the cavity. Increase time 5 to 10 minutes per side for 1½˝ thick or home-cured ham. Press the pad for the cooking operation you want to store, eg. €¢ Use only 1 rack and place the rack in position 2 or 3 for the best results when using the Pizza function in the single cooking mode. [. . . ] €¢ The vent is important for proper air circulation. €¢ Before using the cooktop for the first time, clean it with a ceramic cooktop cleaner or the included cleaner. You should clean the spill while it is still hot. Wearing an oven mitt, use a single-edge razor-blade scraper to move the spill to a cool area of the cooktop. [. . . ]


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