Bruker manual RYOBI WS6613 SCHEMA 1

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   RYOBI WS6613 SCHEMA 2 (852 ko)
   RYOBI WS6613 SCHEMA 2 (852 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI WS6613SCHEMA 1

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] 97 Press one of the following keys to select the message type: 5 for missed calls or L for new SMS or M for messages on the answering machine (Gigaset C300A only)/network mailbox Your selection is displayed (e. 5 for missed calls); the current setting flashes: Press key Q or , to set the behavior for new messages: Q message key flashes (it stops when the key is pressed) or message key does not flash Your selection is displayed (e. 1): 7 11 5 Please note If calls are saved in the network mailbox, you will receive a message if the list type has been set accordingly (see your network provider user guide). 2011 Using the directory and lists Call list Prerequisite: Calling Line Identification Presentation (CLIP, page 26) The call list contains the last 30 numbers, depending on the type of list set u All calls ? [. . . ] U Entry number u Number or name of caller u Call date and time (if set, page 16). An entry in the list is displayed with the number, status (old or new) and the date of receipt (example): t Activating/deactivating first ringer muting Each incoming SMS is signalled by a single ring (ringer as for external calls). However, you can activate any other SMS centre as the active send service centre to send a current message ( page 38). No number or an invalid number is entered for the SMS service centre set as the active send service centre. Please note: u Recording ends automatically, if the maximum recording time of 170 seconds is exceeded or there is a break in speech for more than 2 seconds. If the time has not yet been set, a corresponding announcement is made (set time, page 16). 40 Playing back messages The date and time of each message is logged (provided this has been set, page 16) and displayed during the playback. If the message has been saved with the date and time, you will hear an appropriate announcement before playback begins. After the entry time and date have been played back (after approx. The set time for ring delay ( page 42) is ignored. permanently activating/deactivating call screening Menu Voice Mail Call Screening Handset / Base (= on) Call screening can be simultaneously activated on the base and handset. Time Control You can specify a time period when you do not want the telephone to signal external calls e. U Ringtones: You can set a ringer melody for external calls ( page 50). Activating/deactivating music on hold Music on hold Press OK to activate or deactivate music on hold (= on). Hold down the key for at least 5 seconds. Resetting the base to the default settings When the settings are restored: u Date and time are retained u Handsets are still registered u Eco Mode is activated and Eco Mode+ is deactivated u The system PIN is not reset Menu Settings System Base Reset Yes Press the display key. 0 = 80 ms; 1 = 100 ms; 2 = 120 ms; 3 = 400 ms; 4 = 250 ms; 5 = 300 ms; 6 = 600 ms; 7 = 800 ms Setting pauses Changing the pause after line seizure You can change the length of the pause that is inserted between pressing the talk key c and sending the number. ~ Enter number for the length of the pause (1 = 1 sec. Changing the pause after recall key You can change the length of the pause if your PABX requires this (refer to the user guide for your PABX). ~ Enter a digit for the length of the pause (1 = 800 ms; 2 = 1600 ms; 3 = 3200 ms) and press OK. Switching temporarily to tone dialling (DTMF) If your PABX still operates with pulse dialling (PD), but you need tone dialling for a connection (e. , to listen to the network mailbox), you must switch to tone dialling for the call. [. . . ] ~ Enter digits for the recall time and press OK. cent 8, 36 + IVA al minuto da telefono fisso della rete Telecom Italia senza scatto alla risposta mentre per le chiamate effettuate attraverso la rete di altri operatori fissi o mobili consultate le tariffe del vostro operatore) Jordan . For samtaler fra mobil vil det gjelde egne priser. Gigaset C300A only: No time is specified for a message in the call list. [. . . ]


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