Bruker manual RYOBI W6402NC-1 SCHEMA

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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] INT 1 Receive calls for MSN 1 No Receive calls for MSN 2 <Yes Back > Save Press down on the control key s to switch to the next MSN. Send Connection i INT 1 sends calls with MSN 1 12345601 The current send connection is displayed. If multiple handsets are registered, you are requested to assign send and receive connections for these handsets. , v for "press right on the control key" or w for "press the centre of the control key". [. . . ] Using side keys Press the keys on the right of the handset to set the volume for the handset, ringtone, speaker, alarm, signalling of appointments and the headset depending on the situation. The menu to set the earpiece and microphone volume can be called up during a call by pressing the side keys. The menu to set the earpiece and microphone volume can be called up during a call by pressing the side keys. In the user guide for the device, search for the term "CLIP" (or an alternative term such as "calling line identification", "phone number transmission", "caller ID" etc. If you wish to place the handset in the base/ charger during a call: Press and hold the handsfree key d while placing the handset in the base/ charger and for a further 2 seconds. 2012 Making calls Configuring settings for the next call Activating/deactivating "withhold number" for the next call You can withhold your phone number for the next call (CLIR = Calling Line Identification Restriction). Setting up the identify caller function If you have requested the identify caller function, increase the time until the connection is terminated: vN5O 4 Q OK Increase the time until the connection is terminated to 30 seconds. You will receive a list from your network provider at a later date detailing the caller's number and the time and date. You can then speak to the other participants either one at a time ("Call swapping", page 38) or at the same time ("Conference call", page 39). If the sending device does not appear in the list, you will be asked on the display to enter the device PIN for the sending device: ~ Enter the PIN for the sending Bluetooth device and press OK. Please note A time must be specified for reminder calls. Select the send MSN for the next call from the list. Setting the display Setting the screensaver/slide show When in idle status, a picture or a slide show (all the pictures are displayed one after the other) from the Screensaver folder of the Resource Directory ( page 72) or the time can be displayed as a screensaver. Profile 1 The optimum setting for most connections and set as default. Changing the handsfree/ earpiece volume You can set the volume for handsfree mode and earpiece mode to five different levels. You can set different ringtones for the following functions: u Int. R Setting the volume for external calls or q Select MSN and set a melody for each individual MSN. Specify a time period when you do not want the telephone to ring, e. You can set your handset so that it doesn't ring for calls where Calling Line Identification has been withheld . ? Additionally for external calls: Deactivating the ringtone permanently * Press and hold the star key. Change Press the display key to set up additional MSNs or modify the settings for an existing MSN. 2012 Making ISDN settings Assigning send and receive MSNs to internal parties If you have several MSNs configured for your telephone system, you can: u Assign a send MSN to each internal party or allow the internal party to select the connection for each external call (line selection). [. . . ] 2012 Making ISDN settings Assigning send and receive MSNs to internal parties If you have several MSNs configured for your telephone system, you can: u Assign a send MSN to each internal party or allow the internal party to select the connection for each external call (line selection). Activating/deactivating music on hold v Audio Settings Music on hold Press Change to activate or deactivate the music on hold ( = on). Hold down the key for at least 5 seconds. When the settings are restored: u Date and time are retained u Handsets are still registered u Eco Mode is activated and Eco Mode+ is deactivated u The system PIN is not reset. [. . . ]


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