Bruker manual RYOBI RET1000 SCHEMA

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Mode d'emploi RYOBI RET1000
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI RET1000SCHEMA

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] €¢ 8 Overview of the appliance Handset 1 2 3 4 5 Loudspeaker Display Control keys up/down Delete key Call key: Terminate call; press longer to turn handset on/off; right control key Hash hey: press for #; pressing down longer while idle will switch ring tone on or off. 11 Inserting batteries into the handset Two rechargeable batteries are required for each handset 1, 2 V/600 mAh type NiMH, size AAA (included). [. . . ] Switching off the ring tone To switch off the ring tone, press and hold down the hash key # until the note icon is shown on the screen. To switch on the ring tone again, press and hold down the hash key # note icon disappears from the screen. If this number is assigned to a name and ring tone in the telephone’s address book the relevant name is shown on the screen and the assigned ring tone is played. €¢ DETAILS: Caller identity function, time and date are displayed. If you confirm with the left control key, you have still more possibilities: • SAVE NUMBER: You can store the telephone numbers to a name in the directory. Press the left function key (OK) to select the following options for an entry: ES EN DE Store numbers You can store the selected telephone number to a name in the directory. Set time Enter the precise time in the HH:MM format with the number keys and confirm your selection with the left function button (OK). Set date Enter the right date in the DD:MM format with the number keys and confirm your selection with the left function button (OK). The answering machine will automatically add the date and time to every message. You must therefore set the date and time in order to use the answering machine properly. If you do not set the date and time, "00" will appear on the display of the base station. The date and time for the messages will all be incorrect in this case. [. . . ] The date and time for the messages will all be incorrect in this case. ES EN DE Listen to messages The latest message will be played back and the display shows the time and date of the message. [. . . ]


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