Bruker manual RYOBI RE600N SCHEMA

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI RE600NSCHEMA

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Hand over this introduction and the guarantee card as well under all circumstances, if you sell or pass on the device. The device is only intended for private use and not for commercial purposes. Avoid too strong heat Do not expose or store the camera in solar radiation or high temperatures. [. . . ] Avoid too strong heat Do not expose or store the camera in solar radiation or high temperatures. You can also set the automatic switching-off period to 3 or 5 minutes; see Page 74 for this. 2010 14:02 Setting the language and the date / time You should set the menu language required and the current date and time before using the camera for the first time. 2010 14:02 Setting the date and the time  Select the Date & Time entry in the settings menu with the / direction keys and press SET. You will also be able to set the date format, as well as the date and the time. Pay attention to the time entry on the AM (mornings) or the PM setting (after noon) for this reason. The date and the time can only be displayed by the camera in the Replay mode. You will be able to set different types of recording (Fn button); the current type of recording will be shown here. You can set the aperture value and the aperture closing time manually. 2010 14:02 The Settings menu Setting Sounds Meaning You can switch off the starting sound, select between 3 tones, switch off the signal sound and the tone at release and set the volume for all sounds here. The display will be darkened after a short time, if it has not been used, if you have set this function to ON. You can select the date, the time and the display format here. You will be able to store the corrected file under a new name or to overwrite the original file. You can store a speech note for each photo taken. You will be able to store the corrected file under a new name or to overwrite the original file. You will be able to store the corrected file under a new name or to overwrite the original file. [. . . ] You will be able to store the corrected file under a new name or to overwrite the original file. You will be able to store the corrected file under a new name or to overwrite the original file. Correcting red eye This function serves to reduce the red eye effect on photos. [. . . ]


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