Bruker manual RYOBI RBV2400VP SCHEMA

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Mode d'emploi RYOBI RBV2400VP
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI RBV2400VPSCHEMA

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] If you want to align your antenna for Hotbird, you must call up the preprogrammed channel selection for Hotbird on your receiver. You can, however, search for new stations at any time by carrying out a station search for a specific satellite or all satellites. English  13 Nederlands  Français In order for the appliance to work correctly it is essential that the antenna is installed properly and aligned to the best possible position for digital satellite reception. [. . . ] English  13 Nederlands  Français In order for the appliance to work correctly it is essential that the antenna is installed properly and aligned to the best possible position for digital satellite reception. Connecting a USB device You can connect a USB device to show images or listen to audio files or to record programmes. Français 23 Nederlands  English  Deutsch  Switching on for the first time The channel listings for the several satellites have been pre-programmed. When you switch on for the first time, the installation assistant appears. To set the time, proceed as follows:  Press the MENU button to call up the menu. Showing channel information When you switch to another channel, the following information will be displayed: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Channel number with TV or radio symbol Signal strength and quality Date and time EPG information and satellite data HD symbol (this programme is being sent in HD quality) Encryption symbol (this channel is subscription only) Teletext symbol (the channel has a teletext service) Subtitle symbol (the channel has a subtitle service) Screen format and resolution You can call up channel information at any time using the INFO button. On the left-hand side is the normal channel list and on the right-hand side is a list of all the installed satellites. No warranty is given for batteries or rechargeable batteries or for consumable materials subject to wear and tear, i. Please consult the appropriate section in your user or instruction manual for this product for exact specifications and tolerances. To the extent which is permitted under law, RYOBI will accept no liability for burnt-in images on plasma or LCD products as a result of normal wear and tear during the operation of the product. Please refer to your user or instruction manual for this product for detailed operating instructions for your plasma or LCD product. the warranty does not cover errors relating to the playback of data media in an incompatible format or created with unsuitable software. If it is found during repair or assessment that the defect concerned is not covered under warranty, RYOBI reserves the right to invoice you for all reasonable costs incurred by RYOBI. To the extent permitted by law, RYOBI shall; only be responsible for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the relevant defect in the product; RYOBI will not be responsible for any costs incurred in relation to software configuration; economic loss; loss of opportunity; loss of income; or loss of data or software arising out of its repair or replacement of a RYOBI product under this warranty 4. [. . . ] If it is found during repair or assessment that the defect concerned is not covered under warranty, RYOBI reserves the right to invoice you for all reasonable costs incurred by RYOBI. To the extent permitted by law, RYOBI shall; only be responsible for losses which are a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the relevant defect in the product; RYOBI will not be responsible for any costs incurred in relation to software configuration; economic loss; loss of opportunity; loss of income; or loss of data or software arising out of its repair or replacement of a RYOBI product under this warranty 4. You will receive further instructions for making your claim under warranty when you call. [. . . ]


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