Bruker manual RYOBI RBV2200 SCHEMA

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Mode d'emploi RYOBI RBV2200
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning RYOBI RBV2200SCHEMA

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[. . . ] Normal: Adds red to screen image for warmer white and richer red. English 6 Setup menu: To set up Language, OSD position, OSD time out and OSD background. [. . . ] English 6 Setup menu: To set up Language, OSD position, OSD time out and OSD background. You must bend harder to exceed 20 degree backward but this range is for packing the unit to a small size for storage only. When it is necessary to return your product for repair please ensure that your product is suitably packed for transportation. Provided that your product is still within warranty (please check the duration of the warranty period as described above) and is eligible for repair or replacement under the terms of the warranty, to return your product, please telephone RYOBI on the service hotline number. If so and you would still like RYOBI to repair or replace the product, RYOBI may do so but you will be charged RYOBI’s standard rates for repair and replacement for this service. You will receive further instructions for making your claim under warranty when you call. The diskettes and CD-ROMs) upon which this software is delivered and warrants that such data media shall be free from material and processing defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of the RYOBI product from an authorised seller of RYOBI. Special warranty conditions for repair on site or replacement on site If a claim for repair or replacement on site is included within the terms of the warranty card provided with the product, the special warranty conditions for repair or replacement of your RYOBI product on site apply. the following provisions must be made by you for carrying out repairs or replacements on site: • RYOBI or its authorised personnel must have unrestricted , safe and immediate access to the products. €¢ Telecommunication facilities required by RYOBI or its authorised personnel for proper execution of your order, for testing and diagnostic purposes and for remedying faults are provided by you at your own expense. [. . . ] the following provisions must be made by you for carrying out repairs or replacements on site: • RYOBI or its authorised personnel must have unrestricted , safe and immediate access to the products. €¢ Telecommunication facilities required by RYOBI or its authorised personnel for proper execution of your order, for testing and diagnostic purposes and for remedying faults are provided by you at your own expense. [. . . ]


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