Bruker manual PHILIPS SC2002

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Mode d'emploi PHILIPS SC2002

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   PHILIPS SC2002 ANNEXE 1 (7719 ko)

Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning PHILIPS SC2002

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] This appliance has been specifically designed and optimised for use by women, but can be used by men as well. [. . . ] 1 Consult the table below to determine which light intensities are most suitable for your skin and body hair colour and to check if this method is suitable for you (if it is not, this is indicated with x in the table). Using the appliance Check the recommended light intensities table in chapter ‘Preparing for use’, section ‘Setting the light intensity’ to determine which light intensities are most suitable for your skin and body hair colour. 4 Apply one flash at the lowest recommended intensity for your skin type (for instructions on how to release a flash, see steps 6 to 9 of section ‘Subsequent use’ in this chapter). 5 As long as it feels comfortable (not painful), increase the setting by one level within the recommended range for your skin type and apply one flash for each setting. do not apply more than one flash on the same spot. 6 After the skin test, wait for 24 hours and check your skin for any reaction. if your skin shows reactions ,  choose the highest setting that did not result in any skin reaction for subsequent use. When you use the appliance for the first time, we advise you to perform a skin test on the area to be treated to check your skin’s reaction to the treatment and to get accustomed to light-based treatment. [. . . ] If the appliance still does not show light intensity 1,  contact your Customer Care Centre, your Philips dealer or a Philips Service Centre. [. . . ]


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