Bruker manual MEDION LIFE S63075 MD 83166

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Mode d'emploi MEDION LIFE S63075 MD 83166
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning MEDION LIFE S63075 MD 83166

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] Thunder storms/non-use Pull the mains plug from the socket and the telephone cable from the base station if you will be away for a long period of time or if there is a thunder storm. 1 x handset Base station Mains adapter for the base station (S004LV0600045) Telephone cable 1 x NiMH battery block (GPHC05RN01) (in the handset) Operating instructions and warranty documents 14 OVERVIEW OF THE DEVICE Handset 1 2 3 Speaker Display Arrow keys  in menus: Select entries/options; When idle:  Open call list;  : Open phonebook While calling:  Adjust the earpiece/loudspeaker volume  : Switch microphone to mute  : Redial Control key right Call key: end the call; press longer to switch the handset on/off Alphanumeric keys 0 to 9: To enter numbers and letters Hash key: To enter the # symbol : Activate key lock Talk key for Bluetooth R key: Recall key Microphone Hands-free button Asterisk key: To enter the * symbol; switches from “abc” to “ABC”. [. . . ] What costs will be incurred for sending and receiving text messages; Which mobile communication providers you can send text messages to; Which mobile communication providers you can receive text messages from; 39  For an unknown or non-transmittable number, the network provider will send you an SMS that states that the message could not be delivered. Stored text messages may be found under the “Drafts” option in the SMS menu, while sent text messages may be found under the “Outbox” option.   Options for read messages While the text message is shown on the display, you can call up the following options with the right control key: “Reply”: You can send a reply to the sender without having to enter their telephone number.  €Details”: Displays the name, number, date and time of the message. €Details”: View the recipient and the date and time of transmission. €SMS Centre” “Send centre” “New SMS alert” SMS centre Under “SMS centre”, you enter the information for your network provider’s SMS centre (which you will use to send and receive text messages). If you would like to use a different network provider to send text messages, please ask your provider for the number of its reception centre. The answering machine will automatically add the date and time to every message. You must therefore set the date and time in order to use the answering machine properly. Set the date and time at the handset (see page 66). Read page 51 to find out how to listen to and set your personal messages from outside. If no new calls have been received, you can avoid the fees for the enquiry if the answering machine is set to economy mode (see chapter “Economy Mode” on p. [. . . ] 70 Alarm In this menu option you can set an alarm for a particular time. Information on used memory spaces appears: for example, “68/100 used”: 68 memory spaces are used; 32 are still free. [. . . ]


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