Bruker manual HUSQVARNA 455 RANCHER

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   HUSQVARNA 455 RANCHER (2813 ko)

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[. . . ] The number of drive links is determined by the length of the bar, the chain pitch and the number of teeth on the bar tip sprocket. € Drive link width (mm/inches) Some terms that describe the bar and chain To maintain the safety features of the cutting equipment, you should replace a worn or damaged bar or chain with a bar and chain combinations recommended by Husqvarna. See instructions under the heading Technical Data for a list of replacement bar and chain combinations we recommend. [. . . ] chain oil • We recommend the use of special oil (chain oil) with good adhesion characteristics. Two-stroke oil • For best results and performance use HUSQVARNA two-stroke engine oil, which is specially formulated for our air-cooled two stroke-engines. Always store fuel in an approved container designed for that purpose. For longer periods of storage or for transport of the chain saw, the fuel and chain oil tanks should be emptied. 1 2009-12-29 STARTING AND STOPPING As the chain brake is still engaged the speed of the engine must be set to idling as soon as possible, this is achieved by disengaging the throttle lock. 1 2009-12-29 WORKING TECHNIQUES Fit a guard to the bar before transporting the chain saw or carrying it for any distance. See instructions under the heading Technical data section to find out which lengths of bar are recommended for your saw. There are methods for felling trees with a diameter larger than the bar length. The word kickback is used to describe the sudden reaction that causes the chain saw and bar to jump off an object when the upper quadrant of the tip of the bar, known as the kickback zone, touches an object. Avoid running at a too high speed for extended periods during the first 10 hours. The setting of the carburetor means that the engine is adapted to local conditions, for example, the climate, altitude, fuel and the type of 2-stroke oil. When working at a high altitude or in different weather conditions, temperatures and atmospheric humidity, it may be necessary to make minor adjustments to the high speed jet. When test run at the factory, the high speed jet is set so that the engine satisfies the applicable legal requirements at the same time as achieving maximum performance. Checking the inertia brake release With the engine turned off, hold the chain saw over a stump or other firm object. [. . . ] Any warranted part which is scheduled for replacement as required maintenance shall be warranted for the period of time up to the first scheduled replacement point for that part. dIAGNOSIS The owner shall not be charged for diagnostic labor which leads to the determination that a warranted part is defective , if the diagnostic work is performed at an approved Husqvarna Forest & Garden servicing dealer. CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES Husqvarna Forest & Garden may be liable for damages to other engine components caused by the failure of a warranted part still under warranty. [. . . ]


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