Bruker manual HONEYWELL SW2

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Mode d'emploi HONEYWELL SW2
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HONEYWELL SW2

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] 1 COOKER DESCRIPTION G H T S M R F E A B C D R M E F Auxiliary gas burner Semi-rapid gas burner Rapid gas burner Triple ring gas burner Support Grid for Cookware Control Knobs for Gas Burners Ignitor for Gas Burners Safety Device - Activates if the flame accidentally goes out (spills, drafts, etc. € Grill operation: a high heat output is used for grilling, so that the surface of the food is immediately browned; this 4 HOW TO KEEP YOUR OVEN IN SHAPE Before cleaning your oven, or performing maintenance, disconnect it from the power supply. [. . . ] € Grill operation: a high heat output is used for grilling, so that the surface of the food is immediately browned; this 4 HOW TO KEEP YOUR OVEN IN SHAPE Before cleaning your oven, or performing maintenance, disconnect it from the power supply. The 4 figure luminous display showing the actual time and the programming times, also shows the current state of the oven by means of the following symbols: Oven on Minute minder Automatic programme AUTO Point • (this divides the hour from the minutes on the display) All the functions may be programmed for a total of 23 h and 59 min. € At the end of the set cooking time, the oven is automatically switched off, the symbol (oven on) goes out and the AUTO symbol blinks; an acoustic signal sounds. Minute minder Press the key (minute minder) and set the time required using the - and + keys. Program control Press the key for the remaining time to be displayed, and the key to check the end of cooking time. For the best results when cooking on the grill, it is recommended to use the highest setting of the thermostat (200°C), which utilizes infrared rays. 8B In a chimney stack or branched flue (exclusively for cooking appliances) Directly to the outside The air inflow may also be obtained from an adjoining room, provided the latter is not a bedroom or a room where there is a risk of fire, such as warehouses, garages, fuel stores, etc. Do not store LPG cylinders (even when empty) in basements or rooms below ground level; it is advisable to keep only the cylinder in use in the room at any one time and connected far from heat sources which could raise its temperature to above 50 °C. 9 INSTALLATION Gas supply connection • Check that the appliance is set for the type of gas available and then connect it to the mains gas piping or the gas cylinder in compliance with current regulations and standards. If the gas supply is other than the type for which the appliance has been set, proceed with replacing the corresponding nozzles (provided), following instructions given in the paragraph “Adaptation to different types of gas”. Adaptation to a different type of gas If the hob is to be converted for use with a type of gas other than that for which it was set in the factory (indicated on the label to be found on the hob), the burner nozzles should be replaced as follows: • Remove the pan supports and the burners. • Unscrew the nozzles “A” (fig. [. . . ] If the gas supply is other than the type for which the appliance has been set, proceed with replacing the corresponding nozzles (provided), following instructions given in the paragraph “Adaptation to different types of gas”. Adaptation to a different type of gas If the hob is to be converted for use with a type of gas other than that for which it was set in the factory (indicated on the label to be found on the hob), the burner nozzles should be replaced as follows: • Remove the pan supports and the burners. [. . . ]


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