Bruker manual HONEYWELL M7061

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Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HONEYWELL M7061

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] If you want to interrupt the programme in progress or to set a new one, select one of the symbols (Stop/Reset) and wait for 5 seconds: when the cancellation has been accepted, lamp G will flash. [. . . ] It also allows you to reduce the temperature recommended for the selected programme, and even to set a cold wash cycle ( ). 3 Margherita 2000 - Instructions for installation and use M ARGHERITA 2000 A programme for all seasons What are you washing today?Knob Detergent for prewash Type of fabric and degree of soil Detergent Fabric for wash softener Length of the cycle (minutes) Description of wash cycle COTTON Exceptionally soiled whites (sheets, tablecloths, etc. ) Wool Rinse cycles Spin cycle Draining Stop/Reset 1 2 3 4 90°C 90°C 60°C 40°C N N N N N N N N N N N 165 145 130 95 Warm prewash, wash cycle at 90°C, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle at 90°C, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Rinse cycles, intermediate and final spin cycles Draining and final spin cycle Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme 5 6 7 60°C 40°C 30°C N N N N N N N 100 70 30 Wash cycle at 60°C, rinse cycles, anticrease or delicate spin cycle Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles, anticrease or delicate spin cycle Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles and delicate spin cycle Rinse cycles, anti-crease or delicate spin cycel N Rinse cycles with automatic introduction of softener, anti-crease or delicate spin cycle Draining and delicate spin cycle Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme 8 9 30°C 40°C N N N N N 50 60 Wash cycle at 30°C, rinse cycles, anticrease or draining Wash cycle at 40°C, rinse cycles and delicate spin cycle Rinse cyclesi, anti-crease or draining Draining and delicate spin cycle Draining Interrupts/Cancels the selected programme Important: to cancel the wash programme you have just set, select one of the symbols (Stop/Reset) and wait for at least 5 seconds. 7 Margherita 2000 - Instructions for installation and use Troubleshooting M ARGHERITA 2000 In most cases, when your washing machine fails to work, the problems arising can be easily solved without having to call for a technician. Directives: - 73/23/EEC of 19/02/73 (Low Voltage) and subsequent modifications - 89/336/EEC of 03/05/89 (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and subsequent modifications 9 Margherita 2000 - Instructions for installation and use When Margherita 2000 arrives Whether new or just transported to a new house, installation is extremely important for the correct functioning of your washing machine. If the water in your area is too hard, use a deliming product (water is hard if it often leaves whitish stains around taps or drains, especially of bath tubs. For more accurate information as to the type of water in your system, call the local water works or a local plumber). [. . . ] To prevent dried washing powder from accumulating, place the dispenser under running water for a few minutes. [. . . ]


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