Bruker manual HONEYWELL M6410L

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Mode d'emploi HONEYWELL M6410L
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HONEYWELL M6410L

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[. . . ] Should this time fail to be adjusted, the oven will be automatically turned off once this time is up. It nonetheless remains the best system for baking cakes and pastries as well as fruit and cooking casseroles. Setting the digital clock The time can only be set on the clock when knob “B” is in position 0. [. . . ] Setting the digital clock The time can only be set on the clock when knob “B” is in position 0. Turn knob C again to set the minutes and then press OK to confirm the time definitively. any changes can be made by pressing button 2 and following the above procedure. Timer Feature The timer does not control the starting or stopping of the oven, it merely sounds a buzzer when the time is up and can be interrupted at any time just by pressing a button. The grill is also highly recommended for dishes that require a high temperature on the surface: such as beef steaks, veal, rib steak, filets, hamburgers etc. The pizza mode is ideal for foods requiring high temperatures to cook, like pizzas and large roasts. This mode is ideal for baking and cooking delicate foods especially cakes that need to rise - and for the preparation of certain tartlets on 3 shelves at the same time. € When cooking food that requires differing times and temperatures, set a temperature that is somewhere between the two temperatures required, place the more delicate food on the 4th rack from the bottom and take the food requiring less time out of the oven first. € Use the dripping pan on the lower rack and the grid on the upper; Using the “Fast Cooking” Mode Functional, fast and practical for those of you who use pre-packed products (such as for example: frozen or precooked food) along with other food items. When using this mode, we recommend you set the energy level to the highest setting, even though lower levels can be set, simply by adjusting the thermostat knob to the desired level. 17 w: • • Cooking Pizza For best results when cooking pizza, use the “Pizza Mode” Preheat the oven for at least 10 minutes Use a light aluminium pizza pan, placing it on the rack supplied with the oven. If the dripping pan is used, this will extend the cooking time, making it difficult to get a crispy crust; Do not open the oven door frequently while the pizza is cooking; If the pizza has a lot of toppings (three or four), we recommend you add the mozzarella cheese on top halfway through the cooking process. For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. The figure below gives the dimensions of the cut-out for installation under the counter or in a wall cabinet unit. [. . . ] If the dripping pan is used, this will extend the cooking time, making it difficult to get a crispy crust; Do not open the oven door frequently while the pizza is cooking; If the pizza has a lot of toppings (three or four), we recommend you add the mozzarella cheese on top halfway through the cooking process. For red meat that should be well done on the outside while tender and juicy in the inside, it is a good idea to start with a high temperature setting (200°C-220°C) for a short time, then turn the oven down afterwards. The figure below gives the dimensions of the cut-out for installation under the counter or in a wall cabinet unit. [. . . ]


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