Bruker manual HAUCK BUNGEE 2003

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Mode d'emploi HAUCK BUNGEE
Manuell abstrakt: bruksanvisning HAUCK BUNGEE2003

Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] To switch off the washer-dryer during the wash cycle, press and hold the button for approximately 3 seconds; if the button is pressed briefly or accidentally the machine will not switch off. [. . . ] DELAYED START button: press to set a delayed start for the selected wash cycle; the set delay time will appear on the display above (see “How to run a wash cycle or a drying cycle”). CONTROL PANEL LOCK button with indicator light: to activate or deactivate the control panel lock, press and hold the button for approximately 2 seconds. 5 How to run a wash cycle or a drying cycle EN WARNING: before you use the washer-dryer for the first time, run a wash cycle with detergent and no laundry, using the 90° cottons cycle without pre-wash. Drying may be set as follows: A - Based on a set time period: between 20 and 180 minutes. 3) Short wash cycle for cottons: set wash cycle with a temperature of 40°C. Extra rinse 7 Detergents and laundry EN Detergent The type and quantity of detergent required depend on the type of fabric you are washing (cotton, wool, silk, etc. • use liquid detergents for delicate cotton garments and for all low-temperature wash cycles. Bedlinen and towels: use the “Bed & Bath” cycle to wash laundry from all over the house; this optimises fabric softener performance and helps you save time and energy. [. . . ] EN General safety • This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. [. . . ]


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