Bruker manual BLAUPUNKT TP E2 W/R GR

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Mode d'emploi BLAUPUNKT TP E2 W/R GR
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Detaljerte instruksjoner for bruken står i bruksanvisningen.

[. . . ] €¢â€¢ Heat on the top of the Plasma TV The top side of the product may be hot after long periods of use as heat dissipates from the panel through the vent hole in the upper part of the product. Watching the Plasma TV in 4:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the left, right and centre of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen. [. . . ] Watching the Plasma TV in 4:3 format for a long period of time may leave traces of borders displayed on the left, right and centre of the screen caused by the difference of light emission on the screen. Displaying still images from Video games and PC for longer than a certain period of time may produce partial after-images. To prevent this effect, reduce the “brightness” and “contrast” when displaying still images for a long time. Adjust the volume by moving the Controller from side to side when the power is on. To be safe and to decrease power consumption, do not leave your TV in standby mode for long periods of time (when you are away on vacation, for example). INFORMATION BOOKLET DISCLAIMER •• Face Recognition Log-in In order for Face recognition to function, a thumbnail image of your face will be stored in your TV for logging-in purposes. For example, if you have your Blu-ray player attached to HDMI IN 2, select Blu-ray for that input. – â–  Voice command bar size Set the Voice command bar size mode to Minimum or Full. – â–  Motion guide bar size Set the Motion guide bar size mode between Minimum or Full. To use the Motion control, raise your hand while opening it toward the screen, hold it for a moment and then wave it 3 – 4 time to the left and right. [. . . ] – â–  Motion guide bar size Set the Motion guide bar size mode between Minimum or Full. To use the Motion control, raise your hand while opening it toward the screen, hold it for a moment and then wave it 3 – 4 time to the left and right. [. . . ]


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